
Just Show Up and Sit with Vanessa Zuisei Goddard


Just Show Up & Sit

“In an age of constant movement,
nothing is more urgent than sitting still.”

—Pico Iyer

Last Saturdays, 8 am - 10 am EST
If you want to deepen your relationship to zazen but feel daunted by the four-hour Half-Day Sits, this new option is perfect for you. Join us as we dive into a couple of quiet hours of sitting book-ended by two short chants. There is no private teaching—just you with your body, your mind, silence, and the company of noble friends.

We’ll start the morning by chanting the Verse of the Kesa, and we’ll end with the short version of the Four Immeasurables.

*Banner photo by Fluid Imagery


Cost: Free

Your generous dana supports the operations of the Ocean Mind Sangha and makes it possible for us to offer event scholarships to those who need them.